Explore your Teach Out and Transfer options
In summer 2024, Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor leaders announced that several programs on the CUAA campus will be changed following the 2024-25 academic year. If your program is among those impacted, you have some options.
Please note that the information below is for programs that will no longer be offered on the CUAA campus as of May, 2025. Programs that continue on the Ann Arbor campus are not included as part of teach out and transfer options. The CUAA campus continues to serve as a home for several graduate and undergraduate degree programs.
Program completion at CUW
Concordia University Wisconsin will continue to offer a full slate of academic programs, and the total amount of institutional aid you have been awarded at CUAA will be matched at CUW.
If you are already competing on a CUAA sports team, we will guarantee a roster spot (automatic roster slot in hockey not guaranteed) on the equivalent CUW team for your freshman year. To learn more about attending the CUW campus, complete the Campus Change Form to connect with an admissions counselor who can help answer questions.
Teach out agreements
Teach out partner institutions are those that have agreed to allow CUAA students to complete their programs through a formal agreement. The agreement includes these benefits:
- Automatic admission of current CUAA students in good academic standing.
- Guaranteed acceptance of 100% successfully completed credits at CUAA. CUAA students can complete their degree in the same amount of time – students will need to complete the same number of semesters at the teach out institutions as they would have at CUAA.
- The net tuition amount the student is expected to contribute to complete their degree will be the same as they would have had to pay at CUAA. While the scholarships may be packaged differently and with different names, the net cost will be the same. CUAA students will not need to negotiate that process.
Many institutions accept applications for transfer students, but the process may not be as seamless or have the same guarantees as transitioning to the partnering teach out institutions. Therefore, it is often in the best interest of the student to transition to a designated teach out institution.
Teach out options
Concordia University Wisconsin & Ann Arbor have negotiated teach out agreements with the following institutions. Please review each option below for details regarding which programs are available at each teach out institution and the details of the agreement.
Lourdes University is serving as a teach out partner for CUAA students. Details regarding the teach out stipulations and programs that can be taught out at Lourdes can be found in the agreement.
Madonna University is serving as a teach out partner for CUAA students. Details regarding the teach out stipulations and programs that can be taught out at Madonna can be found in the agreement.
Siena Heights University is serving as a teach out partner for CUAA students. Details regarding the teach out stipulations and programs that can be taught out at Siena Heights can be found in the agreement.
Transfer options
Students can transfer to any institution of their choice at any time of enrollment. When students transfer, they apply to another institution and submit their CUAA transcripts for evaluation. Institutions that have established transfer agreements with CUAA do not offer all of the protections of a teach out partner but often come with more benefits to a student than when typically transferring to another institution.
Transfer agreements
The University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) has provided detailed information regarding which CUAA programs will most easily transfer to UIS. Specific transfer opportunities are outlined here . In addition, UIS is providing the following to any student from CUAA who transfers to UIS:
- Application Fees: Application fees when applying to the institution will be waived for Ann Arbor campus students.
- Expedited Evaluations: Upon receipt of student transcripts, the admissions team will expedite evaluations and will accept as many credits as possible, as allowed by university polices.
Specific program transfer opportunities to UIS
A full list of CUAA and UIS course articulations
A full list of academic programs offered at UIS
Wayne State University (WSU) has provided detailed information regarding which CUAA programs will most easily transfer to WSU. Specific transfer opportunities are outlined here. In addition, WSU is providing the following to any student from CUAA who transfers to WSU:
- Application Fees: Application fees when applying to the institution will be waived for Ann Arbor campus students.
- No Limit on Transfer Credits: Transfer all CUWAA earned college-level courses with a grade of C (2.0) or above.
To connect with Wayne State University, please contact their Transfer Student Success Center.
Walsh College has provided detailed information regarding which CUAA programs will most easily transfer to Walsh. Specific transfer opportunities are outlined here. In addition, Walsh is providing the following to any student from CUAA who transfers to Walsh College:
- Application Fees: Application fees when applying to the institution will be waived for all students.
- Expedited Evaluations: Upon receipt of an unofficial copy of your transcripts, the admissions team will expedite evaluations and will accept up to 90 credits, as allowed by university polices.
- Individualized Transfer Plan: Schedule an Appointment with an Enrollment Specialist for a seamless transfer pathway.
To connect with Walsh College, please contact their Admissions Department.
A full list of business bachelor degree programs offered at Walsh College
Concordia University Chicago has agreed to serve as a transfer option. The transfer agreement is being developed. You will be notified when the agreement is posted for viewing.
Indiana Tech has provided detailed information regarding which CUAA programs will most easily transfer to Walsh. ; Specific transfer opportunities are outlined here. In addition, Indiana Tech is providing the following to any student from CUAA who transfers to Indiana Tech:
- Application Fees: Application fees when applying to the institution will be waived for all students.
- Waived Enrollment Deposit: The $100 enrollment fee will be waived for all students.
- Admission: For all students in good academic standing, admission to the institution will be guaranteed.
- Residency Requirement: The residency requirement will be waived for all students.
- Out of Pocket Costs: Out of pocket costs will be matched for all students.
To connect with Indiana Tech, please contact their Transfer Admissions Counselor, Matt Maurizi at Matt.Maurizi@indianatech.edu.
A full list of business bachelor degree programs offered at Indiana Tech
Update archive
Hello CUAA Students,
As we prepare for the 2024-2025 academic year, Concordia University Ann Arbor has partnered with Washtenaw Community College (WCC) to offer its chemistry and physics courses at the WCC campus. One or more of your classes this year will be offered through this partnership.
Your advisor will be in touch shortly to update your schedule and help you to register for these classes. Please know that this arrangement will allow you to complete all your coursework as full-time CUAA students, and that there will be no effect on your financial aid or athletic eligibility. The classes at WCC will be taught by fully-qualified college instructors. The Washtenaw campus is a 3-minute drive (1.6 miles) from CUAA, and parking there is free. If you need transportation, your advisor will be able to connect you with campus safety, who will make our campus shuttle available to take you to and from WCC.
I recognize you may have questions about this partnership. Your advisors are prepared and eager to help you and answer any questions you have.
Sincerely in Christ,
Dr. Leah Dvorak
VP for Academics
Dear University Community,
Today I am happy to share that I have appointed a new CUAA Interim Campus Executive. On Monday August 5th, Mike Duffy, a retired administrator from Adrian College will be joining us. Mike will assist my office in coordinating the campus operations in connection with other University leaders. Mike, who will be working out of SU 224B, will be on campus 2 to 3 days per week over the next 6 months as we search for a permanent replacement. Please welcome Mike to CUAA.
Grace and Peace,
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Michigan and the South Wisconsin Districts and Other Stakeholders,
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Galatians 1:3-5 ESV)
In a recent letter to the members of the Michigan District, Pastor Davis, President of the Michigan District, and Dr. Boergert, Chair of the Michigan District Board of Directors, expressed strong disagreement with the actions the Concordia University Board of Regents is taking to address the financial challenges the Ann Arbor campus is facing. Their letter to the Michigan District is attached for your consideration. [see Michigan District website]
It is no surprise that Christians deeply disagree over how to handle challenging situations, even as Paul and Barnabas disagreed over Mark. We realize that the changes that are being made may be unsettling and painful to many students, their parents, alumni, supporters, and our dear faculty and staff. Please know we do not take these matters lightly. But changes must be made. Our Lord delivers certain comfort in the midst of all our uncertainties, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 ESV).
The leaders from Michigan use their letter to question the integrity of the University’s Board and Administration. The Regents feel it is necessary to take this opportunity to share essential responses to the claims the Michigan District has publicly presented to its members.
- The Michigan leaders reference a “Roadmap to Autonomy” that was developed by a group of volunteers and submitted to the University Board of Regents, who reviewed it thoroughly prior to their June meeting. We must note that the Michigan District has neither released the “Roadmap” to the Church, nor revealed who comprised the group that developed their plan, but has instead asserted the Regents refused to collaborate with these unknown individuals. Alternatively, the Regents and Administration have prioritized transparency and released more data and information than universities in a similar position usually provide. They created a Task Force, whose members are identified by name in their report. The Regents have also published the results of the Task Force’s work on the University web page. In this spirit of transparency, along with this letter, we are now publishing the Michigan District “Roadmap.” We are also attaching appropriate analysis and commentary of the “Roadmap” to demonstrate that the Regents reviewed it thoroughly. We invite readers to place the Task Force report, the “Roadmap,” and the analysis of the “Roadmap” side by side and review them for their merits. [see Roadmap and supporting documents]
- The Michigan leaders assert that the District and its Church Extension Fund have “demonstrated great capacity, especially in difficult times to support the ministry of CUAA.” While we recognize and appreciate the generosity the Michigan District and Church Extension Fund have shown to the Ann Arbor campus over time, the financial needs of the Ann Arbor campus far exceed these good intentions. Over the past sixty years, the Michigan District and Church Extension Fund have not been able to bring forward the finances necessary to make the Ann Arbor campus sustainable. Over the past ten years, Concordia University Wisconsin has committed ~$90 million to the Ann Arbor campus. Concurrently, the Ann Arbor campus is unable to generate auxiliary revenue that is sufficient to meet its needs. 25% of the money that should be earmarked for teaching and learning covers escalating athletic costs. The Ann Arbor campus experiences annual average operational shortfalls of $4-5 million. Today, the Ann Arbor campus is essentially in the same place of financial difficulty that it found itself in twenty years ago and ten years ago. Simply put, the Wisconsin campus can no longer cover those operational shortfalls.
- The Michigan leaders state they recognize that the University Regents retain fiduciary responsibility for the Ann Arbor campus. They simultaneously claim the Michigan District’s input has not been welcome throughout this process. In fact, the Michigan District, with an anonymous group operating outside the governance structure of the University, developed a “Roadmap” and presented it to the Regents, who, in turn, received it and thoughtfully reviewed it. The Regents clearly have considered Michigan’s input into the process.
- The Michigan leaders express confusion about the role Lutheran identity is playing in this process of change for the Ann Arbor campus. In contrast, we are grateful for our partnership with the Concordia University System. It has played a crucial role in carrying out the work our Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod by-laws define as well as strengthening our University’s alignment with the Church. To be clear: We will do everything we can to ensure our educational efforts at the Ann Arbor campus reflect both our commitment to following Lutheran doctrine and practice and welcoming all whom our Lord brings to our campus.
- Along with the Michigan District, we affirm evangelization as an essential component of the work of the Church. At the same time we recognize that CUWAA is first and foremost a university of the Church. We are “a Lutheran higher educational community” that is “committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world.” As a Lutheran higher educational community, we are of the Church and we serve a focused educational mission in the world. We welcome opportunities for evangelism within this mission without displacing the missional focus on a Christ-centered education.
- The Michigan leaders suggest that: “We will be bound together in Christian love. We will not be bound together by tertiary authorities, e.g. human traditions, ancient theologians, or Lutheran writers. That in and of itself is ‘un-Lutheran’ and borders on heresy.” As Lutherans, we understand the Confessions to be drawn from the Word of God and a true, binding exposition of Holy Scripture. Since all members of Synod subscribe to the Lutheran Confessions, they serve to bind us together in a common confession of faith and are authoritative in our work as a Lutheran university. We reject any implication that this view of the Lutheran Confessions “borders on heresy.” Furthermore, we recognize that the Synod has set expectations for the Concordias in the newly revised Lutheran Identity and Mission Outcome Standards (LIMOS). The LIMOS serve as a concrete framework for documenting our university’s theological commitments. As an institution of the Synod, we are striving to strengthen how we live out our mission in accord with the LIMOS.
- Finally, the Michigan leaders express concern about donations to help the Ann Arbor campus and the possible impact changes to the campus may bring to the District. We appreciate these concerns, but there are three relevant points to consider. First, we are grateful that by the Lord’s blessings we were able in a time of dire need to acquire the Ann Arbor campus and support its operation for ten years, accomplishing much good. Second, the Ann Arbor campus is not equal structurally or financially to the Wisconsin campus. Its revenue constitutes 20% of the university’s work. The Ann Arbor campus, by legal definition, is a branch campus of the Wisconsin campus and under the supervision of the South Wisconsin District. Third, finances are the primary driver for necessary change at the University.1
Please be assured that we, as Regents of Concordia University, value your support of the Church and this University. We are carrying out work that ensures that our university remains a strong member of the Concordia University System.
We will continue to delineate our efforts to do everything we can to remain physically present in Michigan as we deliver high-quality, mission-aligned academic programming in a model that is financially sustainable over time. We want to provide the best possible Lutheran higher education to our students at our Wisconsin campus, at our Ann Arbor campus, and online. These efforts are an expression of our commitment to be faithful to our calling and true to our mission. Updates will continue to be provided on the CUAA Future website as they are available.
These changes will take patience, time, and the support of the broader Church. Please continue to keep our University, its leaders, faculty, staff, and students in your prayers. We trust that the Lord of the Church will bless our efforts at this university.
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV)
In Christ,
The Board of Regents of CUWAA by its Executive Committee
Rev. John M. Berg
Rev. David C. Fleming
Mr. Robert Denkert
1 As this article indicates, a university’s fiscal health is defined today–as much as anything--by its cash position, and we must do everything we can to protect our finances going forward: Higher Education Financial Responsibility Is Broken
Dear Concordia Community,
Yesterday, my office sent you an update regarding the academic programs that will be offered on the Ann Arbor campus following the 2024-25 academic year.
That letter prompted further questions regarding the future of church work programs on the Ann Arbor campus, and I would like to provide clarification on this topic.
Amidst the changes coming to the Ann Arbor campus, the online Lutheran Teacher Diploma (LTD) program will continue with no interruptions. Concordia University will ensure that all current Ann Arbor church work students can complete their programs of study. Concurrently, a committee led by Rev. Dr. Aaron Moldenhauer will collaborate with the Concordia University System to rebuild church work programs on the Ann Arbor campus. These church work programs are a central part of the new vision and model for undergraduate programs in Ann Arbor. More information about those plans will be shared in the coming months.
During the rebuilding process, we will intentionally and temporarily pause recruitment for residential church work programs at the Ann Arbor campus and resume our recruiting efforts for those programs during the 2025-26 academic year.
We had the opportunity to meet with many of you yesterday and this morning in school-focused webinars to answer as many initial questions as possible. We’ve added more FAQs to the website 1zhw.regaloteas.com/future and are scheduling future webinars and a regular communication schedule to provide you with the information you need to navigate your path forward.
This university has a long-standing commitment to providing professional church workers to meet the needs of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, and we intend to continue that work well into the future.
While we understand these changes can create stress, we are, as a university of the Church, wholeheartedly dedicated to this work. We look forward to pursuing initiatives that ensure our sustainability while faithfully carrying out our mission of preparing students in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world.
Leah Dvorak, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academics
Concordia University
Dear Concordia Community,
I am writing to inform you about a significant update regarding the future of academic programs at our Ann Arbor campus following the 2024-25 academic year. Before I describe the changes, I want to emphasize that Concordia remains committed to offering a full campus experience through the 2024-25 academic year. This includes current academic programs, student services, residence life, athletic programs, and co-curricular activities.
With that said, following a June 6, 2024, meeting of the CUWAA Board of Regents, where the Board authorized the university administration to make substantial adjustments to the academic programs offered on the Ann Arbor campus, Concordia’s Academic Council has approved a variety of changes that will take effect as of the 2025-26 academic year.
The following academic programs will continue to be offered on the Ann Arbor campus after June 1, 2025:
Undergraduate Programs:- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Nursing
- Radiology Technology
- Rehabilitation Science - Regular
- Rehabilitation Science – Regular PT
- Rehabilitation Science – Regular OT
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Assistant
- Elementary Education – Adult Accelerated
- Grad Ed Educational Leadership
- Grad Ed Elementary Teacher Education Certification
- Grad Ed Secondary Teacher Education Certification
- Grad Ed Special Education Learning Disabilities Certification
- MSCI w/ Teacher Certification
- Master of Business Administration
It is important to note that while many traditional undergraduate programs based in Ann Arbor will transition to a new modality after the upcoming academic year, most will still be available online through Concordia University Wisconsin. Students who remain enrolled at CUWAA can complete their degrees online or by transferring to the Wisconsin campus in the 2025-26 academic year, ensuring a smooth path to graduation.
Students have been invited to webinars with their deans, program chairs, and academic advisors to discuss the changes and ask questions. All students will receive individualized academic advising in the coming weeks to develop personalized degree completion plans.
Students who choose not to complete their degrees through CUWAA will be provided with information about and assistance with completing their degrees at another university based on teach-out agreements that are in the process of being developed.
Looking to the future, a committee led by Rev. Dr. Aaron Moldenhauer, Vice President of Mission and Church Relations, is working to establish a new vision and model for undergraduate programs in Ann Arbor. The campus will retain its long-standing position of making Christ pre-eminent in all things, including a renewed commitment to the liberal arts and career preparation. This vision will be marked by a joyful confession of Christ as the Savior and prioritize academic excellence.
I recognize that this information is a lot to process. Please be assured that academic leaders and advisors are committed to working with each impacted student to design a personalized path forward beyond the 2024-25 academic year.
Concordia University Ann Arbor is a special place. These challenging decisions ensure that the Ann Arbor campus remains strong while faithfully fulfilling its Lutheran legacy and mission for future generations.
Leah Dvorak, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academics
Concordia University
Dear Concordia community,
I am writing to share an important update regarding the future of intercollegiate athletics on our Ann Arbor campus.
Before I share the announcement, I want to reiterate that Concordia is fully committed to supporting our athletic programs through the 2024-25 academic year. All intercollegiate sports that can be conducted with adequate roster sizes will continue throughout the upcoming year, including participation in any postseason competitions. From current reports, roster sizes for most sports appear to meet these requirements.
After the 2024-25 academic year, all intercollegiate athletic programs on the Ann Arbor campus will be discontinued. Initially, our leadership team hoped to preserve as many athletic programs as possible beyond the 2024-25 academic year. However, upon further analysis of our financial model, it became evident that continuing these programs in Ann Arbor beyond the upcoming year is not feasible.
I fully recognize that this decision is significant in the history of our university and in the lives of so many Cardinals. Our decision to discontinue athletics at the Ann Arbor campus is in no way a reflection of our exemplary Christian coaches and athletic staff who have poured their hearts into our students and helped to provide the personal undergraduate experience for which this campus is known.
Earlier today, the administration met with CUAA Athletic Director Lonnie Pries to discuss this decision and its implications. Our goal in sharing this information today is to equip students with enough information to allow them to make informed decisions about their future.
Our athletic programs, particularly under the direction of Lonnie Pries, have played an integral part in the transformation of thousands of men and women. Being a Concordia Cardinal was not just about notching wins in the athletic arena. It was about helping to develop men and women in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and world; It was about building champions of character. While athletics at CUAA are ending, the Cardinal legacy endures.
Information regarding academic programs beyond 2024-25 and pathways to graduation for current students will be communicated following a meeting of the Academic Council on June 19, 2024. For more information, please visit 1zhw.regaloteas.com/future where updates will be posted as they become available. If you have any questions or concerns, please use the attached web form.
Grace and Peace,
President Erik Ankerberg
Dear Prospective CUAA Student Parents,
I lead and support the admissions team on both the Concordia University Ann Arbor and Concordia University Wisconsin campuses. As we all receive and consider the recent decision by the CUWAA Board of Regents, my team is committed to ensuring you have responsive and clear communication to make the best decision to aid your son or daughter in his/her higher education.
The Concordia University Ann Arbor campus is a special place, and I am so glad—and not at all surprised—that its distinctive people and culture have prompted your student to submit their deposit and make plans to begin there in August. As you likely know, the university’s Board of Regents has been considering the future of Concordia University and our Ann Arbor campus specifically. Because your student has been accepted to Concordia University Ann Arbor, I would like to share as much information as possible about the most recent resolution from their June 6 special meeting.
The Board of Regents affirmed its plan for the 2024-2025 academic year to proceed in a largely typical fashion. The current academic programs will be offered along with co-curricular activities and the full slate of athletic programming and teams if a full roster of athletes makes safe competition possible. While the Board did explore a pathway through which Concordia University Ann Arbor would work toward status as a fully independent university following this academic year, that route was determined to not be viable.
The exciting news, however, is that Lutheran higher education in Michigan will continue at Concordia University Ann Arbor in the 2025-2026 academic year and beyond! There will be changes at Concordia Ann Arbor starting in the 2025-2026 academic year. Decisions and communication regarding these changes will be provided to you by the end of this month, June, 2024.
I want you to understand the Board of Regents’ decision so that you can help your student make the best decision regarding their higher education experience, both now and in the future. Depending upon your son or daughter’s selected major, CUAA might continue to be the best and strongest option. Your student may also wish to consider our Mequon, Wisconsin, campus as well if their current CUAA program pathway will not be continuing beyond the 2024-2025 academic year. Concordia University Wisconsin will continue to offer a full slate of academic programs, and the total amount of institutional aid offered at CUAA will be matched exactly at CUW. We will also offer an additional $1,500 Hearts Together grant to accepted CUAA new students who choose to attend CUW in the Fall, 2024. If your son or daughter has already committed to a CUAA sports team, we will guarantee a roster spot (automatic roster slot in hockey not guaranteed) on the equivalent CUW team for their freshman year.
Please know that the engagement and success of your student in his/her upcoming chapter of higher education are our commitments and priorities. At any time, you can contact us at Concordia with your questions as well. I recognize that the Board of Regents’ recent actions are a lot to process, but we are eager to assist you however we can.
In His service—and yours,
Michael Uden, Ph.D.
Vice President for Enrollment
Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor
Dear Prospective CUAA Student,
I lead and support the admissions team on both the Concordia University Ann Arbor and Concordia University Wisconsin campuses. As we all receive and consider the recent decision by the CUWAA Board of Regents, my team is committed to ensuring you have responsive and clear communication to make the best decision regarding your higher education.
The Concordia University Ann Arbor campus is a special place, and I am so glad—and not at all surprised—that its distinctive people and culture have prompted you to submit your deposit and make plans to begin there in August. As you likely know, the university’s Board of Regents has been considering the future of Concordia University and our Ann Arbor campus specifically. Because you have been accepted to Concordia University Ann Arbor, I would like to share as much information as possible about the most recent resolution from their June 6 special meeting.
The Board of Regents affirmed its plan for the 2024-2025 academic year to proceed in a largely typical fashion. The current academic programs will be offered along with co-curricular activities and the full slate of athletic programming and teams if a full roster of athletes makes safe competition possible. While the Board did explore a pathway through which Concordia University Ann Arbor would work toward status as a fully independent university following this academic year, that route was determined to not be viable.
The exciting news, however, is that Lutheran higher education in Michigan will continue at Concordia University Ann Arbor in the 2025-2026 academic year and beyond! There will be changes at Concordia Ann Arbor starting in the 2025-2026 academic year too. Decisions and communication regarding these changes will be provided to you by the end of this month, June, 2024.
I want you to understand the Board of Regents’ decision so that you can make the best decision regarding your higher education experience, both now and in the future. Depending upon your selected major, CUAA might continue to be your best and strongest option. You may also wish to consider our Mequon, Wisconsin, campus as well if your current CUAA program pathway will not be continuing beyond the 2024-2025 academic year. Concordia University Wisconsin will continue to offer a full slate of academic programs, and the total amount of institutional aid you have been offered at CUAA will be matched exactly at CUW. We will also offer an additional $1,500 Hearts Together grant to accepted CUAA new students who choose to attend CUW in the Fall, 2024. If you have already committed to a CUAA sports team, we will guarantee a roster spot (automatic roster slot in hockey not guaranteed) on the equivalent CUW team for your freshman year.
Please know that your engagement and success in your upcoming chapter of higher education are our commitments and priorities. At any time, you can contact us at Concordia with your questions as well. I recognize that the Board of Regents’ recent actions are a lot to process, but we are eager to assist you however we can.
In His service—and yours,
Michael Uden, Ph.D.
Vice President for Enrollment
Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor
Dear Concordia Ann Arbor Students,
On June 6, 2024, the CUWAA Board of Regents authorized the university administration to significantly reduce academic programs at the Ann Arbor Campus beginning in June 2025. While the Board did thoroughly explore a pathway through which Concordia University Ann Arbor would work toward status as a fully independent university following this academic year, that route was determined to not be viable for numerous financial and governance reasons. We recognize that this information is very difficult to hear. The Concordia University Ann Arbor campus is a special place beloved by many.
The Board also reiterated that all academic programs currently offered at Ann Arbor will continue for the 2024-2025 academic year. The university is working diligently to determine which academic programs will continue to be offered in-person at Ann Arbor after May 2025, and which will no longer be offered on that campus. We will communicate that information to you as soon as possible, no later than June 30, 2024. If your academic program will no longer be offered in-person after May 2025, we will connect with you individually to determine a personal plan to ensure you can graduate with the major or program you selected. Please watch your CUAA email for regular updates and communication from the university.
Know that you remain in our prayers as you wait for further information regarding your program. We trust that the Lord knows the plans and the future that He has in store for you (Jeremiah 29:11). May His love and care for you continue to give you peace and hope now and into the future.
Sincerely in Christ,
Leah Dvorak, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academics
Grace and peace be unto you in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Today marked the day when the Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor Board of Regents gathered to decide upon a clear path forward for our Ann Arbor campus. As Board Chair, I know I can speak for my fellow board members when I say that this task has weighed heavily on our hearts and minds over the past several months because we know that no matter our decision, many lives will be impacted. It is with the greatest care and concern for the long-term good of our brothers and sisters in Christ that we endeavored to make clear a vision for the future of our university.
The Board thoughtfully explored a pathway for the Ann Arbor campus to work toward autonomy within the Concordia University System. A special task force with a broad representation of experts from across the Synod provided reports and recommendations from committees related to accreditation, financial, legal, and Lutheran identity matters. After an in-depth analysis of these reports, the Board concluded that the Ann Arbor campus does not possess the resources or ability to pursue autonomy as an independent university within the Concordia University System.
The Board has reaffirmed its commitment to continue Ann Arbor’s academic programs and as many co-curricular activities as possible for the 2024-2025 academic year. After June 2025, Ann Arbor will continue to operate with a carefully curated portfolio of academic programs. Final decisions and communications are forthcoming. Ann Arbor students will receive personal communication regarding any decisions that will impact their program of study.
“This has been a painful process for our entire Concordia family,” says Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor President Dr. Erik Ankerberg. “While this isn’t the outcome many people have hoped for, I rejoice that our Lutheran mission will continue in Ann Arbor. As our CUWAA family heals and finds a new path forward, I am grateful to each and every member of the Concordia community for your fervent prayers. For the sake of our students and in service to our Lord, we will embrace the opportunity to forge a new path forward.”
Despite these changes, the CUWAA administration is unwavering in its commitment to future, current, and past students and their families and reaffirms the following assurances:
- We will prioritize our Lutheran missional commitments.
- We will provide current students with a pathway toward degree completion.
- We will maintain a presence in Michigan and achieve a financially sustainable model.
- We will communicate clearly and consistently throughout the transition.
We understand you may have questions. Members of the Board are working with university leaders to address your most pressing concerns as soon as possible. Please visit the 1zhw.regaloteas.com/future site beginning on Friday, June 7, to view the report from the task force and more details regarding the future of the Ann Arbor campus. This site will be updated frequently.
Our endeavors in Ann Arbor and Wisconsin continue to align with our Gospel mission. While we mourn the losses these changes bring, we look forward to enacting new ways to live out our mission and carry out our meaningful work.
As we navigate this transition, I want to thank the many people who have supported the university, particularly the Ann Arbor campus. Your devotion to our mission is inspiring, and I pray it continues. Together, let us embrace the hope of the future, seek the peace of the Lord that surpasses human understanding, and empower all our students for their noble vocations.
In Christ's service, Pastor John M. Berg
Click here to read a transcript of this video, or turn on Closed Captioning to read along by clicking the CC button above.
Dear friends in Christ:
I am writing to the members of the Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor community–as well as the wider Church–to update you on the Board of Regents’ consideration of the future of the Ann Arbor campus.
As you may be aware, the university has carried a structural deficit for several years; during the most recent fiscal year, the deficit rose to $9 million. The university has been able to maintain a relatively healthy financial position because of the strength of market returns on its endowment and the outstanding efforts of the university’s advancement team.
The university’s leadership brought in an outside expert to analyze the structural deficit, and the results of the analysis were both clear and challenging: Each campus needs to align staffing to meet the number of students we are serving, and the Ann Arbor campus cannot generate enough auxiliary revenue to sustain its current cost structure.
The Board of Regents recognizes that we live in a time of significant disruption for higher education. The university–especially the Ann Arbor campus–cannot maintain the status quo. Because we care deeply about our ethical commitment to our students, we have asked the university’s administration to act quickly to address the financial challenges we are facing. To that end, the administration has carried out the very difficult task of enacting a reduction in force across both campuses and is now pursuing a process for program prioritization.
We also realize that the university must address the future of the Ann Arbor campus. The Board has ensured that the Ann Arbor campus will be open for the 2024-25 Academic Year, and it has created a task force to explore the possibility of the Ann Arbor campus becoming an autonomous campus within the Concordia University System (CUS) at some point in the future.
The task force includes four subcommittees: Finance, Mission/ Identity, Accreditation, and Legal/ Property. Each subcommittee is charged with answering–through the lens of its own particular expertise–whether or not the Ann Arbor campus can support itself as an independent institution. The subcommittees will include evidence to support their position and may suggest alternative outcomes for the Board of Regents to consider.
The task force includes members of the Board of Regents, the Foundation Board, and leaders from across the spectrum of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. Each subcommittee also includes representation from the Michigan District. All of these individuals are highly qualified in their respective fields and bring a wealth of experience to their subcommittee’s work. We are grateful that so many faithful Lutheran Christians have graciously given their time and talents to this project.
The task force intends to complete its report and submit it to the Board of Regents by the end of May; we plan to publish their findings. The Regents will then consider the task force’s report as they protect the ability of the university to live out its mission, carry out their fiduciary responsibility for the university, and determine the next steps for the Ann Arbor campus–a task they must complete before 1 July 2024. Unfortunately, a great deal of misinformation about this situation and process continues to circulate throughout our circles. Please know that throughout this process, the university has communicated early and often with the leadership of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod to explain clearly the challenges we are addressing. Likewise, we will continue to provide the Church with thorough updates on the progress of this Task Force.
For 143 years, our Lord has graciously blessed the work of this university. He has guided it from humble beginnings near downtown Milwaukee to its present beautiful location on the shore of Lake Michigan and, for the past decade, He has extended its work to Ann Arbor, Michigan. The changes over time have been remarkable, but one thing has remained constant. Our Lord has faithfully carried out His work among us, and His Spirit has made it possible for us to help students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world.
The leadership of this university asks for your prayers as we work through this process and pursue the best possible outcome for the Church, the university, and our students. May the Lord of the Church grant us His mercy, grace, and wisdom as we follow where He leads us, and may His assurance of His love for us allow us to live in His joy and peace–now and for all eternity.
In Christ,
Rev. John Berg, Chair
CUWAA Board of Regents
Strategic Plan 2024-2028
CUWAA has embarked on a bold, four-year strategic plan aiming to achieve financially self-sufficient campuses, eliminate the university’s structural deficit, and create an operating surplus for each campus.
Task force report
The decision of the BOR was based on the recommendation of a Board-appointed Task Force. The full report can be viewed here.
Contact leaders
Many have expressed a desire to contact leaders and Concordia’s Board of Regents. In order to help our leaders receive your feedback in an efficient manner, we ask that you utilize the form linked below.
Due to the volume of comments, our leaders anticipate they will receive, they may not be able to respond directly to your submission. Please know that all messages are being read and considered. We thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and questions, and thank you for your love of Concordia.